Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whimsy Jar Scavenger Hunt Swap

I joined a scavenger hunt whimsy jar swap on This was my first whimsy jar. The rules were to fill a jar with 10 items from the list and decorate the cover. The items I chose from the list were 
1. Beads
2. Buttons
3. An ink pad
4. Something Purple (two fat quarter sized fabrics)
5. Something blue (a spool of gutermann thread)
6. 5 different pieces of ribbon each at least 12" in length
7. Something with flowers on it (A package of brads)
8. A writing utensil (I put 3 mini colored pens)
9. 2 drink packets (I put 4 different flavored tea bags)
10. Something Spring like (A package of stickers)
     ....And I included a couple of profile surprises (A package of yellow mini rick rack and some embroidery floss)

Then I decorated the cover with fabric, ribbon, a button, beads and a heart sticker and......



  1. Nice! I've never tried a whimsy jar swap because I'm always afraid it will break in the mail. How did you package yours?

    Emika from swap-bot

  2. OoooOoo, I would love to receive this in the mail!! You're a generous swapper, and you make lovely packages!

  3. What a cute little jar of fun! I've never done a whimsy jar but I love the idea! Yours is very nice...imagine receiving this in the mail! Should would make a person smile!
    PamV (Comment on my crafty blog #2 Swap-bot)

  4. This is awesome! I'm too scared to try a whimsy jar and I'm not sure why! ~Nina from facebook

  5. I got plastic container jars at the dollar store. I was afraid the glass would break and it would be heavy/pricey to mail. They are fun to do.
